
Orchard Hollow Header
School Hours
Late Arrivals:

Tardy: Students should be seated in their classroom by 8:50 (not walking in the door). Arriving after 8:50 is considered tardy. Please call the office. Students will be let in by an office staff member. Parents are currently NOT to enter the building.

Medical: If you have a morning appointment, please notify the office by 9:00. Also, indicate whether your child will be purchasing a school lunch.

Absence: If your child will be absent, please call the office by 9:00. You can contact your child's teacher about missed work.


A Dismissal Reminder: Please know that there is no supervision for those students who leave the building without an adult, also known as “walkers.” There is no crossing guard for those students walking into the Pinegate Neighborhood. We understand that many students are met by an adult at the sidewalk; however, in the event there is a mix-up or a circumstance causing a delay, the children may be walking home alone. This is quite concerning, especially for our youngest students. 

Early dismissals should leave the building no later than 2:45.  Later times cause confusion with regular school dismissal.

You may change your child’s dismissal at any time by sending in a note to your child’s teacher or by calling the office before 2:00.


Clinic News

Please remember that food allergies are increasing in children every year.

Nuts and nut byproducts are one of the biggest offenders among food allergies.

Please be careful and make sure party treats brought into the classroom do not contain nut