A message from Mrs. VanDemark in the Library.....

Attention Parents and Students:

***Please make sure that water bottles are closed tightly and kept separately from library books and electronic devices.  Mrs. VanDemark has been seeing many books with water damage.***

Below are a few guidelines for the checkout process:

  • Students in Kindergarten and 1st grade are allowed 1 book at a time.
  • Students in grades 2 through 5 are able to take 2 books out at a time.
  • If the book is 3 weeks overdue, a notice will be sent home with your child.
  • A second notice will also be sent home with your child if it has been over a month.
  • For book(s) that are still missing or not returned, a third notice will be sent home.  That notice will include the replacement fee.
  • Infinite Campus will be charged at the end of each grading period.
  • If a lost book is found and returned in good condition, the student's account will be credited.
  • Purchased replacement books cannot be accepted as the school purchases books that are a specific library grade.

Students are encouraged to have a special place for their library books and should be made responsible for getting them back on their specific due date.

Thank you,

Mrs. VanDemark

[email protected]