Marco's Pizza Night

Marco's Pizza Night

We are undergoing a change in our computer system at Marcos Pizza. Although the system has been in use for some time, there have been changes to the way we document and tabulate our school fundraisers. For the school fundraiser during the month of September, and hopefully for only this month, when you place your order, go to the checkout page. There will be a box labeled fundraiser code. In order to credit your school, it will be necessary to type in the code for your school which is ORCHARD. (it is case sensitive. Use all capital letters). Another box will then open which will allow you to type in the teacher's name that you want to credit with your order. You may enter multiple teachers. The last name is all that is needed. Please make sure your students and parents are aware of this change. We hope that by October 1, we will receive an update to the system which will once again allow everyone to choose a school and teacher from drop down menus. We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope that we can successfully handle your September fundraiser.

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